Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,

It will always be a bit intimidating to live a new academic experience, and for the one I am currently through, I am overwhelmingly touched by the chance to live this exceptional intellectual incident with you all. The honor of meeting you, my online instructor and colleagues, is something beyond communicating; it’s the way we can connect with each other, share information with one another, and give and receive support to/from each other.

Nothing will be more rewarding than handling the tough tasks of ESL instruction with “cooler” techniques, like the very ones I hope to have an eye on during this course, and by which I wish to be provided with sound web-skills strategies along with more opportunities to amplify my general instructional development.

Since my earliest school days, I have been interested in the pursuit of knowledge and truth, a search which was inspired by my parents and enhanced by my teachers. This has stayed with me into adult life, and I now find myself realizing the importance and beauty of such ideas and principles. My aim therefore is to develop this approach to life and to share it with others through everything I do. In terms of work, this means motivating and encouraging my students by my own positive example, doing my best in everything, and never being afraid to say “I don’t know”. Rather, I hope to inspire a creative and positive way of dealing with the various problems that are parts of all people’s lives.

I’ll be waiting impatiently to greet you all my new “classmates”. Thank you Robert for your extraordinary effort. The coming days will be “colorful” by all means possible. Until I begin witnessing where technology has taken ESL instruction via my own and your own reflective lenses, that’s all what I have for my blog.


  1. Hassan
    Great start! Your blog is looking good. I like your philosophy of pursuing truth and knowledge, and I imagine your students are the biggest benefactors.

  2. Hi Hasan ..

    I agree with Robert here.. your philosophy reminds me of being a good teacher and also a good human being. Thank you for sharing these inspiring philosophy.

    "never being afraid to say “I don’t know”." I like this quote. In my old days..sometimes I was too shy to say "I don't know" but since I took my Bachelor Degree in education, I had to deal with sharing my knowledge to my students and sometimes I found out that as a teacher, I didn't have all the answers for all the questions. That was the time I had to ask someone who had capability to help me..

    So.. I'd love to share and learn with you and all our classmates.. I believe that I will enrich my knowledge and also my experience

  3. Hallow Hassan,

    It’s nice to hear from you. I have 20 years teaching experience in high school. Here in Kenya, English is actually a third language in some communities, coming after mother tongue and Kiswahili. Kiswahili is the main language spoken in east and central Africa, so teaching English is faced with many challenges especially mother tongue interference, however this is overcome with time.

    Naturally Technology creates excitement especially in children. I have seen this with my students during pronunciation lessons using computer. This programme we are doing now will motivate my students more once introduced.



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